Start your week off right with a donation based class designed to better your golf swing, reduce your chance of running injuries, and build strength for smashing volleyballs and throwin’ footballs.
Led by powerhouse team Mordecai Harvey and Jimmy Burk, this class is broken down into three parts: (1) The Warm Up—deep stretches and breathing prep you for peak performance. (2) The Goods—a little strength, a little competition, and a lot of fun. (3) The Cool Down—recovery and relaxation flood the body with oxygen and help prevent injury long-term.
This class is a donation based for Amputee Blade Runners—whether it’s $5 or $500 we are incredibly grateful. They are a Non Profit organization that helps provide free running prosthetics for amputees. According to their website:
Health insurance companies have declared running prosthetics as “not medically necessary” and do not cover their cost. Our organization helps amputees keep an active lifestyle by providing this vital equipment free of charge. Our goal is to provide a running prosthesis to one athlete in all 50 states. We currently have athletes in 31 states who serve as ambassadors to other amputees. Please view our map and if you, or someone you know, is an active amputee and lives in a state in need of an ABR ambassador please contact us for more information or complete our grant application.
Please note this class is available to all levels. The focus will be on having a good time while learning stretches and strength training techniques to improve your game no matter what level of fitness you currently consider yourself.